5 tips to Convert Your Bathroom into a Glamour Room

Bathroom is no more the shower room we all thought it is. It is the relaxing hub of the room where we would like to have a soothing time just like in a spa.  The room is being stylized to such an extent that it is called the “Glamour Room” of the house. But not all bathrooms are glamour rooms.Glamour Bathroom

We need to take that extra effort to glamorize the room. Here are 5 simple ways one can glamorize the bathroom -

  • De-clutter: De-cluttering is the stepping stone to glamorizing a room.  A room that is cramped with stuff may not look stylish how much ever effort you take. Hence the bathroom should be free from the messed up look. All toiletries should be neatly stacked up in vanity or dressing cabinets. One can go for vanity with ample space including provision for keeping waste basket. Towels can be neatly folded and kept inside shelves. De cluttering also has the advantage of creating more space.
  • Fixture and fittings: Once the de-cluttering is done, one can focus on the fixture and fittings.  There is no need to go in for expensive fittings to glamorize the room. Small changes to the existing ones can make the room look stylish. Use gold colored handles for cabinets and shelves instead of silver or brass color.  Gold colored faucets, towel rack etc adds to the glamour quotient. Change few tiles on the wall and fit ones with latest designs. If space and budget permits, one can go for a stunning shower door as it can change the entire appearance of the room. There are stores that offer customized shower doors as per ones requirement.
  • Furniture: The main furniture used in bathroom is vanities. But before installing one, make sure that there is enough space in the bathroom and that the vanity does not make the room look all cramped up. Glass vanities with drawers, cabinets and shelves not only look stylish but also provide ample storage space. The latest trend in bathroom furniture is wall mounted vanity with in-built storage that makes the room look spacious. If space is not a constraint, then other bathroom fittings in the form of bath tub, Jacuzzi etc can be used to glamorize the bathroom.
  • Lighting: Lighting is one aspect that is not given much importance but has great significance when it comes to glamorizing the look of the bathroom. Task lights installed above the vanity or on both sides of the mirror acts not just as a source of light but also changes the very appearance of the bathroom. Neodymium light bulbs that closely resemble sunlight can be used for this purpose.  A dimmer can be provided to adjust the strength of the light. Another area where proper lighting is to be provided is the shower, tub or Jacuzzi.
  • Accessories: The must have accessories in a modern bathroom are soap and shampoo dispenser, Corner rack, cloth hook, napkin and toothbrush holder etc. A concave mirror is installed in most of the modern bathroom as it magnifies the reflection and is ideal for makeup purpose.

Beautifying the bathroom is not a daunting task thanks to the innumerable online shopping portals available. A clear understanding of one’s requirement will help a lot in creating the ‘Glamour Room’ as per your dreams.

Author Bio: The author Susan Johns is a freelance content writer specializing in home/interior decor writing. With over 5 years experience in the field of furniture and home decor, she has written numerous articles and blogs in this area. Please visit her blog Decoreview.

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